Frequently Asked Questions

We can usually get most parts in same-day. However more specialist/complex parts like engines, ECU's or ABS blocks can take longer.
The best way to contact us is to give us a ring on 07771752069 within our opening hours.
We offer at least a 12 months warranty on all parts fitted and supplied by us. Dependent on the parts this could be longer, for example clutches have a 2 year warranty.
We are located on portway trading estate which is right next to Junction 3 of the M42, hidden behind GS Auto and Midlands Van Sales. The easiest way to find us is to search "Jo Darby Cars" directly into google maps and it'll land you right on our doorstep.
We are open every week day from 8:30am til 5:00pm. We are avalible on saturdays but by appoinment only.
We accept payment by VISA, Mastercard, cash, cheque and credit cards.